FreeHand 7 Demo ReadMe October 1996 The FreeHand 7 Demo allows you to explore most of the functionality of FreeHand 7. It includes all of the new user interface enhancements such as dockable panels and tear-out tabbed panels. Many new Xtras are included such as Bend, Roughen, Envelope and the new Charting tool. The demo does have the following limitations: 1. "Save", "Save as..." and "Export" are disabled. Also Xtras whose main purpose is to export are omitted (Create PICT, PDF Export, xRes Path Export). 2. "Copy" doesn’t copy data to the clipboard for use by other programs. Copied data is usable only within the FreeHand 7 demo itself. 3. (Win) All OLE functionality and menu entries are disabled. This includes Drag and Drop from FreeHand to other programs. 4. (Mac) Publish is disabled although Subscribe is still functional. 5. Only two color libraries are included with the demo. 6. The spelling and hyphenation dictionaries are omitted so these functions are disabled. 7. All print output will display a banner at the top and bottom of the page. We hope that you’ll become a FreeHand enthusiast and tell others of the quality, performance and impressive capabilities of the best graphic design tool on the market. When you purchase the full version of FreeHand 7, either as a standalone product or as part of the FreeHand Graphics Studio 7, you will get many additional items that couldn’t be included in the demo version: XTRAS A full set of Xtras including the export only Xtras listed above. (Note: the Create PICT Xtra is available in the Macintosh version only). COLOR LIBRARIES A full set of twenty color libraries from DIC, Focoltone, Munsell, TOYO, TruMatch and Pantone. The Pantone libraries include their new Hexachrome, Pastel and Metallic libraries. DICTIONARY FILES Language-specific files for spelling and hyphenation. Depending on your market area, FreeHand 7 will be available in English (with American and International English libraries), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish or Japanese. CLIPART, FONTS, TEMPLATES & COLOR PROFILES Over 10,000 pieces of clipart and over 500 fonts are on the FreeHand 7 CD. There are also libraries of Templates and color management profiles (ICMs). ON-LINE HELP For easy access to help information from within FreeHand. PPDs Over 100 PPDs for the most popular laser printers and imagesetters. TUTORIAL An extensive, well-documented tutorial that takes you through building a complete document. MACROMEDIA SCRIPTING A complete Java scripting addition. Can be used to automate repetitive tasks. SNAP SOUNDS (Mac only) Sounds you can add that give subtle audio feedback while using FreeHand’s drawing tools. FULL PRINTED DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Windows - The installer is launched by running Setup.exe. It is fully compatible with Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. There is an uninstaller provided (a separate icon in WinNT 3.51 and entry in Add/Remove Programs list on Win95 and NT4.0) which we recommend that you use before installing the full version of either FreeHand 7 or the FreeHand Graphics Studio 7. Macintosh - Double-click the first installer segment named "FreeHand 7 Installer" to begin the installation. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FreeHand requires 12meg RAM on Macintosh or Win95 and 16meg on Windows NT. Additional RAM is recommended. FreeHand 7 for Windows supports Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 (build 1051 and later) and Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381 and later). FreeHand 7 for Macintosh supports 68040 and PowerPC Macs running System 7.0 or higher. FreeHand no longer supports Window 3.11 or Macintosh System 6.x. For best performance on Macintosh computers, set the RAM higher than the "Preferred size" but at least 1000K to 2000K lower than the "Largest Unused Block" shown in About This Macintosh in the Finder, under the Apple menu. If possible, raise the "Preferred size" by 3000K to 4000K if you have enough RAM available. Bitmaps, in particular, can require very large amounts of RAM. When importing bitmap files (including TIFF, LRG, BMP, GIF, JPEG), increase the default memory allocation to avoid out of memory errors. COLOR MANAGEMENT DEFAULT SETTING FOR 68K MACINTOSHES The Color Management default setting for the 68K version of FreeHand is turned off because 68K Macintoshes without a Floating Point Unit (FPU) processor will launch FreeHand and open documents very slowly. If your 68K Macintosh has an FPU, you can turn on Color Management in File > Preferences > Color if you need it. INSTALLING PLUG-INS FreeHand 7 installs an Xtras folder in the FreeHand folder (FreeHand 7.0\Xtras folder on Macintosh, FH7\Usenglsh\Xtras on Windows) and one in the Macromedia folder (Macromedia Xtras folder within your System Folder on Macintosh, Program Files\Common Files\Macromedia\Xtras on Windows systems). Place all Photoshop-compatible third-party plug-ins in the Macromedia Xtras folder. As with previous versions of FreeHand, if you plan to make use of Illustrator(TM) Plug-ins or third-party Xtras written for FreeHand, place them directly in the FreeHand Xtras folder, or make an alias/shortcut of the respective plug-in folder and place it in the FreeHand Xtras folder. Almost all of the current, most popular Photoshop-compatible plug-ins, like Kai’s Power Tools and Gallery Effects, do work inside FreeHand. Some third-party plug-ins may crash or fail to operate in FreeHand. For example, some Macintosh 68K plug-ins will not work in FreeHand if they depend upon a Floating Point Unit (FPU) processor and you are using a 68K Macintosh that does not have an FPU, or if you are using a Power Macintosh. On Windows, FreeHand supports only 32bit plug-ins. Older 16bit plug-ins will not appear on the menus. These are problems in those specific plug-ins and are not something FreeHand can rectify. MULTI-COLOR FILL XTRA The Multi-Color Fill Xtra is installed but is disabled by default. This Xtra is for editing imported or opened FH5 documents containing this older fill type. FreeHand 7 has an improved multi-color Gradient fill that is accessible through the Fill Inspector to replace this older Xtra. You may use the new Xtras Manager to turn on the older Multi- Color Fill Xtra if it is needed. ADOBE TYPE MANAGER (Macintosh) If you are using ATM 3.0 or earlier, you may get incorrect error messages when converting text to paths. Upgrading to ATM 3.5 or later will correct this problem. USING LASERWRITER DRIVER 8.4 (Macintosh) When using LaserWriter driver 8.4 or later, make sure that Background printing is turned on. Selecting Background optimizes PostScript information for best results. PRINTING COLORED TEXT TO NON-POSTSCRIPT PRINTERS If you have trouble printing colored text to a PCL or QuickDraw printer, turn on the hidden preference "ConvertTextNonPS" to improve your output. Open the FreeHand 7 Preferences file (located in your System > Preferences folder on Macs, or \FH7\FHprefs.txt on Windows) and change (No) to (Yes), following the text "ConvertTextNonPS". CONTACTING MACROMEDIA Our internet address is Find a list of new FreeHand features at this address: You can reach our web site 24-hours-a-day to download the latest update to your software, or to find a TechNote addressing a technical problem. TECHNOTES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE BY FAX 24-HOURS-A-DAY VIA OUR MACROFACTS SERVICE AT 800-449- 3329 OR 415-863-4409. You also can browse the TechNotes area and the library section for information and updates. A FINAL WORD FreeHand is a great asset to your work or entertainment. Thank you for examining the demo version of FreeHand 7. -------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1996, Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved